Jarkko Lampiselkä, Justus Mutanen & Ari MyllyviitaTehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Jarkko Lampiselkä, Justus Mutanen & Ari MyllyviitaKustantamo
Kuuluu paketteihin
Oppimateriaali sisältää 52 lukua ja 145 tehtävää, joista 18 sijaitsee kirjan luvuissa ja 127 opettajan tehtäväkokoelmassa.
Jarkko Lampiselkä, Justus Mutanen & Ari Myllyviita -
Tehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Jarkko Lampiselkä, Justus Mutanen & Ari Myllyviita -
Kemia, luonnontiede -
Lukio -
CH4 Chemical Reaction (LOPS2021) -
Teoksen kieli
Englanti -
e-Oppi Oy -
Kuuluu paketteihin
The Orbital 3 e-book covers the fourth module of upper secondary school chemistry, "Chemical Reaction".
The Orbital series is a modern learning material for chemistry that encourages the student to think about, investigate, and understand chemistry. The text is designed to captivate the reader. The examples feature important chemical processes and discoveries that are familiar from everyday life. In addition to traditional text explanations, animations, videos and 3D models have also been used to visualise processes.
The tasks follow the new digital final exam model, progressing from tasks that test memory skills through concepts to practical and more challenging tasks. Models and visualisation play a key role in learning chemistry.
Chemistry is learnt by visualising your own thoughts and by presenting them to other students. Discussions help to develop our own thought processes. Modelling uses simulations, but you will also need a pen and paper. Students can freely choose between visualisation methods.
Chemistry is also learnt together. Learning is social in nature, so the material encourages students to work together.
1. To the reader
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
1.1. | Foreword |
2. Chemical reaction
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
2.1. |
Chemical reactions
Tutustu ilmaiseksi! |
3. Gases and gas calculations
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
3.1. | Gaseous state |
3.2. | Gas laws and the ideal gas model |
3.3. | Gas calculations |
3.4. | Additional information: The philosophy of chemistry and experimental models |
3.5. | Experiments |
4. Reaction equation
5. Inorganic compound reactions
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
5.1. | Oxidation and reduction |
5.2. | Acid-base reactions |
5.3. | Precipitation reactions |
5.4. | Decomposition reactions |
5.5. | Complexes |
6. Organic chemistry reactions
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
6.1. | Combustion |
6.2. | Protolysation and neutralisation |
6.3. | Substitution reaction |
6.4. | Addition reaction |
6.5. | Elimination reaction |
6.6. | Condensation |
6.7. | Hydrolysis |
6.8. | Polymerisation |
6.9. | Cracking |
6.10. | Reaction mechanisms |
6.11. | Reactions based on organic compound groups |
6.12. | Additional information: Nobel Prize in Chemistry for an organic synthesis reaction |
6.13. | Experiments |
7. Analytical chemistry
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
7.1. | Qualitative analysis |
7.2. | Quantitative analysis |
7.3. | Experiments |
8. Polymers
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
8.1. | Inventions that led to the polymer industry |
8.2. | The structure and properties of polymers |
8.3. | Polymerisation reactions |
8.4. | Plastics |
8.5. | Rubbers |
8.6. | Fibres and textiles |
8.7. | Biopolymers |
8.8. | Paints |
8.9. | Adhesives and resins |
8.10. | Colloidal substances |
8.11. | Experiments |
9. The building blocks of life
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
9.1. | The building blocks of life |
9.2. | Proteins |
9.3. | Carbohydrates |
9.4. | Lipids |
9.5. | The nucleic acids DNA and RNA |
9.6. | Vitamins |
9.7. | Experiments |
10. Extras
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
10.1. | For the teacher |