Luku 2.1 (Yläkoulun englanti 7–9)


In this unit, you will hear John's story. He introduces himself and tells us about his hobbies, his family, and friends. He also talks about his home and his childhood memories. You will also meet Kate, who talks about her pet, and Kiana, who talks about American school food.

This unit includes videos, texts, pictures, exercises, and games.

We hope you'll enjoy yourself!

Warm up

What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Do you like swimming? Have you got sisters?

WU. Discuss

Discuss with your partner.

Watch John talk about himself in the first video. After watching the video tell your partner something about yourself. Think up questions you want to ask your partner or find them in the box above.

This is me

Text: This is me

My name is John. I'm 13 years old. I live in Helsinki, but I'm originally from Dublin in Ireland. I'm here because in Ireland my parents couldn't get a job. My dad was offered a job here. That's why we had to move.

I speak English, French, Irish and German. I moved to Finland when I was 9 years old. When I moved here it was strange because the culture was very different. Finnish people didn't speak that much, and Irish people can't really stop talking. It was a big change for me.

I go to The European School, I mean S2, Secondary 2. My class is small, there are only about 12 people and three language sections: the English section, the French section, and the Finnish section. I'm in the English section.

The school's special because there are many different nationalities in the school. It's not only Finnish, only English, or only Irish. There are people from all around the world, and all around Europe.

My hobbies

Text: My hobbies

John talks about his hobbies:

I play football two times a week. I have training and then I play a match on Saturday. On Sundays I also go swimming. I have a swimming lesson then. I like hanging out with my friends and just playing video games with them.

SAPA is a club in Helsinki and it's mostly only Finnish people, but there are a couple of people, like me and my friends, from outside Finland.

One of my friends is called Harm and he is from Holland, Stefan is from Romania and Álvaro from Spain. They are all in the same class as me and we’re good friends. We speak English and maybe some French sometimes.

Typical day

Text: Typical day

John tells about his typical day:

I wake up at 7:30. I have a shower and get dressed. I eat my breakfast and then I either walk to school or take the tram. When I'm in school, I meet my friends, I talk with them for a while and then we go to lesson.

At lunchtime we all sit together and we eat the school food and then play football outside in the yard. When school's over, we might go to McDonald's or hang out for a while before I go home and do my homework. Then, after I've done my homework for about half an hour, I'll maybe play some Xbox, go to my friends again or just relax in the sitting room with my family. I normally go to sleep at 10:30, in the evening.

At 7:30, for my breakfast, I have cereal, a banana and maybe an egg with orange juice and water. Then for lunch, at 12 inside the school, we normally have rice with a risotto or some fish. My favourite meal is meatballs with spaghetti, in school.

After school, I'll get a burger or I might take a sandwich, I'll make a sandwich for myself. And then, for dinner, we eat steak or meat and salad, normally.

My favourite food is probably burger. A burger with french fries and maybe a little bit of salad and ketchup. I don't cook. I know how to make scrambled eggs and boil an egg, but that's as far as it goes.

American school food

Text: American school food

Kiana, an American exchange student, talks about American school food:

School food was, depending on what you wanted from the school food, on average around maybe three dollars. Three dollars a day depending on what you got with your dollars, but regardless, the choices were usually the same. So you would have pizza, and sometimes they’d change every day: you would get a different flavor of pizza, but usually it would be pepperoni or cheese, or maybe, like we call it, taco pizza. It’s basically a taco on pizza, and that was sometimes an option but not every day.

So you had the pizza option or you had an alternative option and that would be daily. It would change every day. They would not be very good. There is this one option and it was like a taco but it wasn’t a taco. It wasn’t even taco at all. It looked like a taco, it had the shape of a taco. Inside was meat. And there’s this bread around it, it went all the way around it. That was an option.

There were hamburgers and everything that wasn’t fresh. It was in a plastic bag. So, hamburgers in a plastic bag or sometimes like PB&J (peanut butter and jelly sandwich).

So that would be your main dish and then next to that you could get salad or you could get apples and bananas. No, actually you couldn’t get salad and that, you had to choose. You could either get a pizza and some fruit or could get salad and some fruit. You couldn’t mix and match. But when I got the school food, I got salad. It was the safer option.

Where are you from?

Englannissa on kaksi erilaista preesensmuotoa: yleispreesens ja kestopreesens.

Kun kerrot, kuka tai millainen olet, mitä teet tai mitä tapahtuu nyt tai yleensä, käytät yleispreesensiä. Lue seuraavat esimerkit.


I am 13 years old.
​Olen 13-vuotias.

I go to The European School.
​Käyn Eurooppalaista koulua.

For dinner, we eat steak and salad.
​Päivälliseksi syömme pihviä ja salaattia.

A) Muistatko, kuinka preesensin muoto muuttuu yksikön 3. persoonassa (he/she/it)? Seuraavista aukoista puuttuu vain yksi tärkeä kirjain. Mikä se on?

He play basketball every Saturday.
She walk to school.
It look nice!

B) Entä olla-verbin preesensmuodot? Muistatko ne? Täydennä.



C) Täydennä säännöt.

Kysymyksissä tarvitaan apuverbiä  tai sen yksikön 3. persoonan muotoa .

Lisää aukkoihin joko do tai does:

 you like running?
 your sister read books?
 your parents work every day?

Olla-verbin kanssa ei käytetä do-apuverbiä. Täydennä seuraavat kysymykset oikealla olla-verbin muodolla:

 you Irish?
 he at home?
 I right?
 they tired?
 we happy?

Do-verbin kieltomuodot ovat  tai . Täydennä!

They  watch films.
Ann  like nuts.
 eat porridge.
You  know the word.
We  talk very much.


Kestopreesensiä käytät, kun kerrot, mitä teet juuri nyt tai lähitulevaisuudessa. Kestopreesensin apuverbi on am, is tai are ja pääverbi on aina ing-muodossa. Kielteisissä lauseissa kieltosana on not ja kysymys muodostetaan kääntämällä sanajärjestystä.

A) Mieti, tuleeko seuraaviin lauseisiin am, is vai are.

We  sailing.
Kate  meeting her friend this afternoon.
 you sleeping, brother John?
No, I  not. I  talking on the phone.
They  going to London next week.

B) Missä muodossa lisäät suluissa olevan verbin aukkoon?

Are they  breakfast?
No, they aren't. They are  games.
Tina is .
I am .

Story exercises

Choose the correct alternative.

1. John is

  • 13 years old.
  • 14 years old.
  • 15 years old.

2. John is in Finland because his

  • parents
  • dad
  • mum

couldn't get work in Ireland.

3. John moved to Finland when he was

  • 5 years old.
  • 9 years old.
  • 11 years old.

4. At school, John is in the

  • French section.
  • Finnish section.
  • English section.

5. In his school there are people from around

  • Europe.
  • England and Finland.
  • the world.

Work with your partner.

A) Watch the videos and fill in the keywords.

Partner A: Watch the video My hobbies and do the Keywords exercise 1!

Partner B: Watch the video This is me and do the Keywords exercise 2!

B) Tell your partner about the video you just watched!

C) Now switch tasks so that each partner watches the other video and fills in the keywords.

Partner A: Watch the video My hobbies and do the Keywords exercise 2!

Partner B: Watch the video This is me and do the Keywords exercise 1!

Keywords exercise 1

Do you remember how old John is? Or the languages he speaks? When did he come to Finland? What is his school like?

alun perin
irlanti (kieli)
eri kansallisuuksia
kaikkialta maailmasta

Keywords exercise 2

What does John do in his free time? What are his hobbies? Who are his friends and where are they from?

kaksi kertaa viikossa
matsi, ottelu
käydä uimassa
klubi, kerho
hyviä ystäviä
englanti (kieli) = 
ranska (kieli)

A) Listen to John talking in the video and while listening, fill in the missing words!

Well, I  at 7:30. I  a shower, I  dressed. I eat my breakfast and then I either  to school or  the tram. When I'm in school I  my friends, I  with them for a while and then we  to lesson.

At lunchtime we all  together and we  school food and then  football outside in the yard. And then when school's over we might  to McDonald's or hang out for a while before I go home and do my , and then, after I've done my homework for about half an hour I'll maybe  some Xbox, go to my friends again or just relax in the  with my . I go to sleep 10:30, normally at 10:30 in the evening.  

So, at 7:30, for my , I have cereal,  and maybe  with orange juice and water. And then for  at 12 inside the school we normally have rice with a risotto or some . And my favourite  is meatballs with spaghetti, in school.

After school, if we go to McDonald's I get a burger or I might  a sandwich,  a sandwich for myself. And then, for , we eat  or  and , normally.

My favourite food is probably burger. A burger with french fries and maybe a little bit of salad and ketchup. No, I don't cook. I know how to make scrambled eggs and boil an egg. But that's as far as it goes.

B) Interview your friend.

  • What time do you usually wake up?
  • What do you do before you do go to school?
  • What do you usually have for breakfast?
  • What's your favourite school food?
  • What do you usually do after school?
  • What time do you usually have dinner?
  • What do you usually have for dinner?
  • What time do you usually go to bed?

C) Do you remember what, where and when? Talk to your partner about the video!

Keskustele videosta parin kanssa! Koska kerrotte Johnista, on käytettävä yksikön 3. persoonaa. Mitä pitikään muistaa?

D) Lajittele sanat substantiiveihin ja verbeihin.

      • breakfast
      • dinner
      • meet
      • wake up
      • sit
      • walk
      • play
      • fish
      • take
      • salad
      • homework
      • take
      • get
      • family
      • go
      • have
      • talk
      • a banana
      • lunch
      • eat
      • make
      • an egg
      • meal
      • steak
      • meat
      • sitting room

      E) Take turns to tell each other about John's day with the help of the Finnish clues.

      • herätys klo 7.30
      • suihku + pukeutuminen + aamupala
      • kävellen tai raitiovaunulla kouluun
      • koulussa: kavereiden tapaaminen + jutteleminen
      • lounas: yhdessä istuminen + syöminen, sitten jalkapalloa pihalla
      • koulun jälkeen: McDonald's tai hengailu, sitten kotiin > puoli tuntia läksyjen tekoa
      • läksyjen jälkeen: Xbox/kavereiden luo/rentoutuminen perheen kanssa olohuoneessa
      • nukkumaan 10.30
      • aamupala: muroja / banaani / kananmuna / appelsiinimehua / vettä
      • lounas: riisiä/kalaa/lempiruoka: lihapullat + spagetti
      • koulun jälkeen: hampurilainen/voileipä
      • päivällinen: pihvi/liha + salaatti
      • lempiruoka: hampurilainen + ranskalaiset perunat + salaatti + ketsuppi
      • osaa tehdä munakasta ja keittää munan

      Here you get to meet Kiana, who will tell you what school food is like in her school in California. Choose the correct option.

      1. Kouluruoka maksaa noin...

      • kolme dollaria.
      • kolmetoista dollaria.

      2. Kouluruuaksi oli tarjolla eri täytteisiä...

      • hampurilaisia.
      • pitsoja.

      3. Taco-pitsassa pohja oli...

      • sekä täyteen päällä että alla.
      • kääritty täytteen ympärille.

      4. Hedelmiksi oli tarjolla...

      • omenoita ja banaaneja.
      • appelsiineja ja banaaneja.

      5.Ruuaksi sai valita joko pitsan ja hedelmää tai...

      • pitsan ja salaatin.
      • salaatin ja hedelmää.

      6. Kiana valitsi varmuuden vuoksi...

      • salaatin.
      • pitsan.

      Let's practise more!

      LP1. Do you like skiing?

      Tina is visiting her cousin, Elli, in Finland. In the following dialogues the girls talk about their hobbies.

      A) Read through the dialogues with your partner and after you've read them, write more dialogues together.

      Where do you think Tina comes from? Have a guess!

      Dialogue 1

      Elli: So, do you like skiing?

      Tina: Yes, I do. Do you mean downhill or cross-country?

      Elli: We can do both here in Finland in wintertime.

      Tina: I like downhill, and I also like snowboarding. Do you ski?

      Elli: Yes, I do. I sometimes go to a skiing centre, which is about 50 kilometres from where we live, with my dad. You can come with us if you want to.

      Tina: Yes, I would like to. When are you going?

      Elli: Next Sunday, probably, if the weather is OK. But now, I've got my swimming lessons, I've got to hurry. See you tomorrow, and I will ask dad if we can go this Sunday!

      Tina: Thanks. See you tomorrow!

      Dialogue 2

      Tina: Why do so many people walk with sticks in both hands here?

      Elli: That is called Nordic walking. I sometimes go for walks with my mum. She likes walking with poles, but I don't have them.

      Tina: Can we try it? Can I borrow your mum's poles?

      Elli: Yes, I think so. Does it look funny to you?

      Tina: Yes it does!

      Dialogue 3

      Elli: What do you normally do in your free time?

      Tina: I like reading comics and watching movies. What do you do?

      Elli: I read a lot and watch TV. But I like sports, too. Running, skiing, swimming, skating...and I also play floorball. Do you play floorball?

      Tina: I don't, but I would like to try. Can I come with you?

      Elli: Of course you can! How about tomorrow?

      Tina: Tomorrow I'm going shopping, but how about Thursday? Can we go on Thursday?

      Elli: I think so. I have to ask dad if he can take us there. I mean the sports hall where we play.

      Tina: OK. Call me then!

      Elli: Yes, I will. Bye, bye, see you!

      Tina: See you!

      B) Practise vocabulary with Quizlet exercises: Do you like skiing?

      • SKATING
      • SWIMMING
      • LONG JUMP
      • CYCLING
      • SKI JUMP
      • RUNNING
      • LUISTELU
      • UINTI
      • PYÖRÄILY
      • JUOKSU

      LP2. On the phone

      A) Osaatko tulkita seuraavan puhelinkeskustelun englanniksi?

      A: Hupu.

      B: Moi. Mitä kuuluu?

      A: Mitäs tässä, entäs sulle?

      B: Kiitos, ihan hyvää. Mä olen Lontoossa nyt.

      A: Ihan totta? Onko hauskaa serkkujen kanssa?

      B: Joo, on. Me ollaan nyt bussissa, mennään Trafalgar Squarelle.

      A: Vauts. Mitä te teette siellä?

      B: Ostetaan lippuja teatteriin.

      A: Onko sun mummokin siellä?

      B: Ei, mutta mun isä on. Mummo leipoo kotona kakkua.

      A: Nam nam. Soita sitten kun tulet takaisin Suomeen.

      B: OK. Nyt minun täytyy mennä...

      B) Roleplay the dialogue with a partner.

      A) Choose the correct alternative: do, don't, does or doesn't.

      1.   you like pizza?
      2. No, I .
      3.   Peter go to school every day?
      4. No, he .
      5.  feel like going out now,  you?
      6. Yes, I .
      7. My school day begins at 9 o'clock. When  yours begin?
      8.  remember.
      9. She lives in India,   she?
      10.   they eat meat in India?
      11.  know. I think they  eat beef.
      12. We  want to be late,  we?
      13. What  you normally  in the evenings?
      14. He  always do his homework.
      15. Meg  want to speak to me.
      16.   she?

      B) Choose the best answer.

      Do you ski a lot?

      • Yes, I do
      • Yes I ski
      • No, I'm not skiing
      • Yes I have got skis

      What do you like doing after school?

      • I like going swimming
      • Well, listening to music, maybe.
      • I don't like school
      • I'm going to the gym

      What does your mother do?

      • She is journalist
      • Yes, she is a nurse
      • She is a nurse
      • He is a teacher

      What do you want to be when you grow up?

      • I want be an engineer
      • I maybe a teacher
      • Maybe a teacher
      • I want to go swimming

      Do you want to go out now?

      • No, don't want to go
      • Yes, I want to
      • Yes, lets go out
      • Yes, in a minute

      Does your sister like reading comics?

      • She like comics
      • Yes, she does
      • She is not tell me
      • No, he doesn't

      What do you want to eat?

      • I want eat a hamburger
      • Nothing, thanks. I am not hungry.
      • I eat fish and chips
      • I don't want to eat nothing

      What are your favourite subjects at school?

      • I have maths
      • Arts is my favourite subject
      • Maths and geography
      • History

      Are you more like your brother or like your sister?

      • Yes, I like my sister
      • Yes I like them
      • No, I am not
      • My mother says I am more like my brother

      Do you have a pet?

      • No I haven't got
      • We have
      • Yes, I think I have
      • What's a pet?

      See you soon!

      • So soon!
      • See you!
      • Yes!
      • I will see you!

      A) Interview your classmates and fill in the information according to what they tell you.

      Try to get at least 3–4 interviews!




      Telephone numbers: 

      Email addresses: 


      B) Write 4 sentences describing one of the classmates you interviewed. Don't write the person's name, just he or she.

      C) Number the sentences 1–4 and read them, sentence by sentence, beginning with the most difficult one for other people to guess.

      Every correct guess gives you a turn to read your sentences!

      Play, do, go, -

      On the video John tells us that he plays football.

      Kun puhutaan harrastuksista, käytetään yleensä verbejä playdo ja go.

      • ball sports: 
      • ​I play volleyball.sports and games in which people play against each other: 
      • We play games: 
      • My sister plays Angry Birds.musical instruments: He plays the piano.
      • non-team activities: 
      • I do taekwondo.recreational activities: My mom does crossword puzzles.
      • activities ending with -ing: I go skating two times a week.

      With some activities such as paint, draw, knit, and sew you do not need play, do or go.


      • I play ice hockey.
      • I do ice hockey
      • I go ice hockey.


      • I play jogging.
      • I do jogging.
      • I go jogging.


      • I play the guitar.
      • I do the guitar.
      • I go guitar.


      • I play karate.
      • I do karate.
      • I go karate.


      • I play sew.
      • I sew.
      • I go sew.


      • I play tennis.
      • I go tennis.
      • I tennis.


      • He plays sudoku.
      • He does sudoku.
      • He goes sudoku.


      • She goes snowboarding.
      • She snowboarding.
      • She does snowboarding.


      • You paint.
      • You do paint.
      • You painting.


      • I do judo.
      • I go judo.
      • I judo.

      Choose the best alternative.

      1. Which adjective is a positive one?

      • fun
      • boring
      • terrifying

      2. Which adjective is a negative one?

      • energizing
      • exciting
      • stupid

      3. Which adjective is a positive one?

      • embarrassing
      • annoying
      • interesting

      4.Which adjective is a negative one?

      • relaxing
      • depressing
      • entertaining

      You can do it!

      A) Can you put the words in correct order so that they make sense?

      Muista aloittaa lauseet isolla kirjaimella.

      1. do - like - you - swimming

      I - yes - do

      2. your - does - like - brother - football

      he - yes - play - football

      3. where - Ann - live - does

      in - Canada - she - live

      4. does - her - mother - Finland - live - in - now

      she - live - no - in - England

      5. you - 13 - or - 14 - now - are

      am - 14 - I

      6. Ann - is - 20

      she - no - is - 21

      7. she - speak - Finnish - does

      does - yes - she

      8. mother - her - does - understand - Swedish

      doesn't - no - she

      B) Choose the correct sentence: Jumbled sentences -exercise.

      1. are, your, favourite, subjects, school, at?

      • What are your favourite subjects at school?
      • Are your favourite subjects at school?
      • You are favourite subjects at school?
      • Are at school your favourite subjects?

      2. where, you, do, from, come?

      • Where you do come from?
      • Where from you do come?
      • Do you come from where?
      • Where do you come from?

      3. he, does, like, not, maths

      • Does he like not maths.
      • He not does like maths.
      • He does not like maths.
      • Like he not does maths.

      4. Anna, swimming, goes, school, after

      • Anna goes after school swimming.
      • After school goes swimming Anna.
      • Anna goes swimming after school.
      • Anna goes swimming school after.

      5. you, what, do,have, breakfast, for?

      • What do you have have breakfast for?
      • Do you have breakfast for what?
      • What do you have for breakfast?
      • Do for breakfast have you what?

      6. doesn't, Kate, nice, look, her, dress,new, in, blue!

      • Kate doesn't look in her nice new blue dress!
      • Doesn't Kate look nice in her new blue dress!
      • Her blue new dress Kate doesn't look nice in!
      • Kate doesn't look nice in new her blue dress!

      7. Frozen, is, new, movie, the?

      • The Frozen is new movie?
      • Frozen the new movie is?
      • The new movie is Frozen?
      • Is Frozen the new movie?

      8. many, times, do, I, have, to, read, this, how?

      • How many times I do have to read this?
      • How many times do I to have read this?
      • Do I have to read this how many times?
      • How many times do I have to read this?

      9. room, her, is, tidy, always.

      • Her room always is tidy.
      • Her tidy room is always.
      • Her room is always tidy.
      • Always her room is tidy.

      10. do, don't, want, you, to, homework, your?

      • Do you don't want to your homework?
      • Don't want to do your homework you?
      • You don't want your homework to do?
      • Don't you want to do your homework?

      John says his favourite food is 'burger'. Can you make hamburgers? Try this Irish recipe!

      But first, fill in the missing words.

      • onions
      • salt
      • cheese
      • burgers
      • oil
      • egg
      • breadcrumbs
      • pepper
      • sauce
      • tomatoes


      • 1 tablespoon of 
      • 2 red  , finely chopped
      • 1 heaped teaspoon of Dijon
      • 500 g of Irish beef mince
      • 1 tablespoon of worcestershire 
      • 1 large 
      • A small handful of dry 
      • Sea  and ground black 
      • 60 g of 
      • 2 baby gem lettuce, broken into leaves
      • 2 large , in slices

      ...and some verbs.

      • cook
      • cool
      • add
      • fill
      • Fry
      • Combine
      • gets
      • place


      1.  the red onion in a frying pan with a little oil over a high heat to start and then lower it once it  a little colour and then cook gently for about 8 minutes until softened right down. Set aside to  completely.

      2.  in a large mixing bowl the beef, mustard, worcestershire sauce, egg, breadcrumbs, cooled onions and season with sea salt and ground black pepper. Form the meat mixture into 6 burger patties and  on a plate, cover with cling film and set aside in the fridge until you are ready to fry them.

      3. To  the burgers, place a large frying pan over high heat and add a little oil. Fry the burgers for 4–5 minutes either side until they are cooked all the way through. When you turn the burgers in the pan,  a slice of cheese to each one.

      4. To serve, split the burgers and  with baby gem lettuce leaves, sliced tomato, and a good dollop of ketchup!

      YC3. ...because it's fun!

      I play the guitar because it’s fun!

      I go snowboarding because it’s relaxing!

      I watch horror movies because it’s exciting!

      A) Tell your classmates more about your hobby (for example like this).

      Make sure you understand these expressions:

      ...because it's interesting!
      ​...because it's fun!
      ​...because it's relaxing!
      ​...because it's energizing!
      ​...because it's entertaining!
      ​...because it's exciting!
      ​...because it's challenging!
      ​...because it's good for me.

      ...because it's boring!
      ​...because it's stupid!
      ​...because it's exhausting!
      ​...because it's humiliating!
      ​...because it's annoying!
      ​...because it's depressing!
      ​...because it's embarrassing!
      ​...because it's terrifying!

      B) Now ask your partner about their hobbies.

      You: Do you play football?
      ​Your partner: Yes!
      ​You: Why do you play football?
      ​Your partner: I play football because it's fun!

      You: Do you play basketball?
      ​Your partner: No.
      ​You: Why don't you play basketball?
      ​Your partner: I don't play basketball because it's boring.

      YC4. Tell me about your day! I

      What is your day like? What do you do every morning? How about the afternoon? And evening?

      Ask your partners what they do on a typical day, and answer their questions.

      YC5. Pizza or pea soup?

      1. Make a list of typical Finnish school meals and translate them into English.

      2. Pick one meal from your list and ask your partner whether he/she likes it or not.

      Your partner can either answer 'Yes, I do' or 'No, I don't'. If the answer is 'Yes' your partner will go on asking you about meals. If the answer is 'No' your partner has to tell you what he/she likes.

      A: Do you like pea soup?
      ​B: No, I don't, but I like pizza.
      ​A: Do you like meatballs?
      ​B: Yes, I do. Do you like salmon soup?
      ​A: Yes....
