Luku 3.1 (Environmental Studies 2)

Stars and planets in space

Space is huge. There are stars, planets and their moons.


Stars are big balls of gas. They produce energy. 

The Sun is a star, too! 

The Sun gives us light and warmth.

The Sun is the star of our solar system.


Planets are big, round objects that move around stars. 

Earth is a planet. So are for example Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. 

Some planets are small and rocky. Others are big and made of gas.

The Sun and the planets that move around it form our solar system.

A video of our solar system

The Milky Way

Our solar system is part of a bigger group called the Milky Way. It has billions of stars and planets!

The Milky Way can be seen as a white band in the night sky.
Stars in the night sky.

Fun fact!

Did you know Saturn has rings made of ice and rocks?


  • Star
  • Planet
  • The Milky Way
  • Sun
  • Earth
  • billions of stars and planets

2. Draw the night sky

Draw stars and planets in the night sky. 

Include one planet you know, like Mars or Saturn.

The planets of our solar system are grouped into rocky and gas planets.

a) Arrange the rocky planets in order. Start from the one closest to the Sun.

  • Mercury
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Venus

b) Arrange the gas planets in order. Start from the one closest to the Sun.

  • Jupiter
  • Uranus
  • Saturn
  • Neptune