Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu ViitanenTehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu ViitanenKustantamo
Kuuluu paketteihin

Oppimateriaali sisältää 27 lukua ja 217 tehtävää, joista 70 sijaitsee kirjan luvuissa ja 147 opettajan tehtäväkokoelmassa.
Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu Viitanen -
Tehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu Viitanen -
Fysiikka, luonnontiede -
Lukio -
FY3 Energy and Heat (LOPS2021) -
Teoksen kieli
Englanti -
e-Oppi Oy -
Kuuluu paketteihin
The Resonance 3 learning material covers the third physics module of the Finnish upper secondary school curriculum (Energy and heat). The module examines thermodynamic systems, the transfer of energy between systems and the effects of energy transfer. Key content includes energy production, climate change and construction. The module will enable you to participate in the debate and decision making on environment and technology.
The work is in line with the new Finnish upper secondary school curriculum (LOPS2021).
1. Preface
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
1.1. | To the reader |
2. Thermodynamics
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
2.1. |
Measuring temperatures and thermal expansion
Tutustu ilmaiseksi! |
2.2. | Heat and thermodynamics |
2.3. | Summary and self-assessment |
3. Force and pressure
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
3.1. | Force and mechanical pressure |
3.2. | Gas pressure |
3.3. | Fluid pressure and total pressure |
3.4. | Summary and self-assessment |
4. Gas states and the change process
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
4.1. | The change process in a constant volume |
4.2. | The change process at constant pressure |
4.3. | The change process at a constant temperature |
4.4. | Ideal gas equation |
4.5. | Summary and self-assessment |
5. Heat and matter
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
5.1. | Heat capacity and specific heat capacity |
5.2. | States of matter |
5.3. | Phase diagram |
5.4. | Summary and self-assessment |
6. Heat and mechanical energy
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
6.1. | Internal energy and Joule’s experiment |
6.2. | Heat engines and work done by gas |
6.3. | Summary and self-assessment |
7. Energy and planet Earth
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
7.1. | Humans and the atmosphere |
7.2. | Humans and the oceans |
7.3. | Summary and self-assessment |
8. Appendices
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
8.1. | Test your skills: Solutions |
8.2. | Additional materials |
8.3. | Correct answers |
8.4. | For the teacher |