Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu ViitanenTehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu ViitanenKustantamo
Kuuluu paketteihin

Oppimateriaali sisältää 18 lukua ja 107 tehtävää, joista 19 sijaitsee kirjan luvuissa ja 88 opettajan tehtäväkokoelmassa.
Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu Viitanen -
Tehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Juha Haapola, Lauri Hellsten, Otso Huuska and Panu Viitanen -
Fysiikka, luonnontiede -
Lukio -
FY1 Physics as a natural science (LOPS21) -
Teoksen kieli
Englanti -
e-Oppi Oy -
Kuuluu paketteihin
This learning material covers the first module of Finnish upper secondary school physics ("FY1: Physics as a natural science"). In this module, the student will learn how to plan, conduct and analyse a scientific experiment. At the same time, the student will learn more about different kinds of measurements, quantities, tools and software. These useful skills can be applied to a great variety of different careers and other subjects.
The "Physics as a natural science" module can be incorporated into a larger study module, together with introductory modules from the other natural sciences.
Please note that the sample chapter only contains simple, automatically checked "Test your knowledge" exercises. All the other exercises are found in the book's exercise stack. The exercise stack is accessible to the teacher, who can select and assign tasks to students.
The learning material has been made in accordance with the Finnish upper secondary school curriculum (LOPS2021).
1. Introduction
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
1.1. |
Physics as a natural science
Tutustu ilmaiseksi! |
2. Quantities and orders of magnitude
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
2.1. | The small structures of the universe |
2.2. | The large structures of the universe |
2.3. | Measurements and quantities |
2.4. | Summary and self-evaluation |
3. Measurements and graphical presentations
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
3.1. | Measurements in physics |
3.2. | Graphical models |
3.3. | Linear models |
3.4. | Summary and self-evaluation |
4. Scientific experiments
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
4.1. | The scientific method |
4.2. | The structure of a scientific experiment |
4.3. | Information gathering |
4.4. | Summary and self-evaluation |
5. Extras
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
5.1. | Test your skills: Solutions |
5.2. | Correct answers |
5.3. | Additional materials |
5.4. | For the teacher |
5.5. | Terms and concepts |