Kärt Matiisen, Markku Lähderinne & Elo ReinikTehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Kärt Matiisen, Markku Lähderinne & Elo ReinikKustantamo
Kuuluu paketteihin

Oppimateriaali sisältää 77 lukua ja 1527 tehtävää, joista 1208 sijaitsee kirjan luvuissa ja 319 opettajan tehtäväkokoelmassa.
Kärt Matiisen, Markku Lähderinne & Elo Reinik -
Tehtäväkokoelman tekijät
Kärt Matiisen, Markku Lähderinne & Elo Reinik -
Matematiikka -
7. luokka -
Teoksen kieli
Englanti -
e-Oppi Oy -
Kuuluu paketteihin
Spiral 7 is a new digital textbook for middle school mathematics. The book's contents have been designed to be in line with the Finnish lower secondary school curriculum, focusing on topics that are taught in the 7th grade.
The textbook includes comprehensive theory sections and plenty of interactive exercises. These are enhanced with interactive simulations and videos that help students to understand the topic in an intuitive way.
1. How to use this book
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
1.1. | Explanations and tips |
2. Numbers and calculation
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
2.1. |
Natural numbers
Tutustu ilmaiseksi! |
2.2. | Roman numerals |
2.3. | Divisibility |
2.4. | Prime and composite numbers |
2.5. | Negative numbers and the number line |
2.6. | Opposite numbers |
2.7. | Absolute value |
2.8. | The coordinate system |
2.9. | Adding integers |
2.10. | Subtracting integers |
2.11. | Calculations |
2.12. | Multiplying integers |
2.13. | Dividing integers |
2.14. | Powers and exponentation |
2.15. | Combining operations |
2.16. | Review |
3. Fractions
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
3.1. | Fractions and mixed numbers |
3.2. | Reducing and expanding |
3.3. | Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators |
3.4. | Calculations with mixed numbers |
3.5. | Multiplying fractions |
3.6. | Parts of a number |
3.7. | Dividing fractions |
3.8. | Parts and base value |
3.9. | Fraction expressions |
3.10. | Review |
4. From numbers to letters
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
4.1. | Pattern sequence |
4.2. | Number sequence |
4.3. | Letters and numbers |
4.4. | Polynomials |
4.5. | Combining terms |
4.6. | Multiplying and dividing terms |
4.7. | Multiplying a polynomial |
4.8. | Adding and subtracting polynomials |
4.9. | Simplification |
4.10. | Review |
5. Equations
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
5.1. | Equal sides |
5.2. | Equations |
5.3. | Finding the value of a variable |
5.4. | Finding the solution of an equation 1 |
5.5. | Finding the solution of an equation 2 |
5.6. | Speed, distance and time |
5.7. | Solving an equation 1 |
5.8. | Solving an equation 2 |
5.9. | Sequences and consecutive numbers |
5.10. | The difference between numbers |
5.11. | Brackets in equations |
5.12. | Brackets and fractions in an equation |
5.13. | "I was thinking of a number..." |
5.14. | Action and time |
5.15. | Review |
6. Lines, angles and circles
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
6.1. | Basic concepts |
6.2. | Angles |
6.3. | The addition and subtraction of angles |
6.4. | Geometric drawing 1 |
6.5. | Geometric drawing 2 |
6.6. | Circle |
6.7. | Angles in a circle |
6.8. | The tangent of a circle |
6.9. |
Parallel and intersecting lines
6.10. | Angles formed by intersecting lines |
6.11. | Points, open lines, closed line segments and circles in a coordinate system |
6.12. | Review |
7. Geometry
Kirjanmerkki |
Luku |
7.1. | Polygons |
7.2. | Triangle |
7.3. | The angles of a triangle |
7.4. | Isosceles triangle |
7.5. | Quadrangles |
7.6. | Parallelogram |
7.7. | Rhombus |
7.8. | Trapezoid |
7.9. | Regular polygons |
7.10. | Congruence and similarity |
7.11. | Symmetry |
7.12. | Translation and rotation |
7.13. | Review |